Here is the unedited recording of the WCAG by Example Workshop of November 7, 2019. 

We wanted to give workshop attendees immediate access to the recording. Right now it is one long video of the entire workshop. In the near future will be broken into sections and subtitles added. 

Currently, access is just for people who registered for the live session. If you are interested in purchasing access when the course has been edited and captioned, please send an email to  becky at knowbility.org

Meet Your Instructor

    Becky Gibson
    Becky Gibson

    Becky Gibson is a recognized expert in the field of digital inclusion and enabling accessible solutions. Her extensive career as a Software Engineer and Accessibility Architect impacted products, customer strategy, and industry standards. She is passionate about making Web and mobile applications usable for people of all abilities. 

    Becky co-chairs the W3C Accessible Platform Architecture working group. She participated in the creation of W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) and helped to develop and demonstrate the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specification. Becky shares her accessibility experience training and working with clients and as an invited speaker at conferences.