WordPress A11y


As an open-source content management system, WordPress is a practical and popular platform to manage your organization’s digital presence or promote your organization’s goals. While it has many accessible features out-of-the-box, many changes can happen in design, development, and content entry that hinder, rather than help, with accessibility.

Let Robert Jolly, Knowbility's Technology Director show you how to conquer WordPress Accessibility. This course dives into the current state of accessibility in WordPress.  It looks at WordPress’ out-of-the-box accessibility features and examines over a dozen of its most common accessibility issues. Students will learn how to tackle WordPress theme management and accessibility plugins to include better accessibility support. Understand how WordPress handles the creation of accessible content - including management of automated and manual testing of your sites.


  • Comfortable with HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript
  • Familiarity with WordPress and PHP
  • Working knowledge of digital accessibility

Meet Your Instructor

    Robert Jolly
    Robert Jolly

    Robert is an extraordinary expert in WordPress Accessibility. 

    More info forthcoming.