
Online iOS & Android App Accessibility Workshop with Paul Adam

This is the unedited recording of the Workshop of January 23, 2020. 
We wanted to give workshop attendees immediate access to the recording. Right now it is one long video of the entire workshop. In the near future will be broken into sections and subtitles added. Currently, access is just for people who registered for the live session.

If interested in purchasing access when the course has been edited and captioned, please send an email to

Dive deeper into accessible design, development, and testing of native iOS and Android apps

Testing native mobile apps is very different than testing mobile HTML web sites or progressive web apps.

In this workshop, Paul J. Adam explores the native iOS and Android accessibility APIs. He targets Xcode and Android Studio developers, designers, or QA testers focused on native app development.

Paul will demonstrate common native app-accessibility issues and solutions. You will learn how to use accessibility testing and development tools for iOS and Android. This includes Xcode for iPhone/iPad and Android Studio for Android devices.

Paul will review manual testing using iOS’ VoiceOver and Android’s TalkBack. He will review issues and considerations for Keyboard Accessibility on mobile apps. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a mobile accessibility master!

Workshop Takeaways

  • Comprehend common native app accessibility problems and solutions.
  • Understand accessible app development and testing techniques using Apple’s Xcode and Google’s Android Studio IDEs.
  • Learn VoiceOver and TalkBack mobile screen reader testing.

Who should attend?

  • Mobile Developers
  • Mobile Designers
  • Mobile QA Testers


  • Xcode and/or Android Studio. To take full advantage of the native mobile accessibility workshop attendees should have installed Xcode for iOS development and Android Studio for Android development.
  • Working iOS or Android mobile device. Attendees should be able to build and run a blank app in the iOS and/or Android Simulator and on a live physical phone or tablet.